Traveling Solo Dos And Don’ts


Traveling Solo Dos And Don’ts

Traveling solo is an adventure that opens up conversations, opportunities, and experiences that you probably wouldn’t have if you were on the road with someone else. 

But it’s essential always to stay safe. Common sense, streetsmart skills and an awareness of your surroundings at all time is important. 

Here are our do and don’t tips for traveling solo.


Keep your bag and belongings secure

Always carry your bag over your shoulder or on your back, so it’s not easily snatched. Keep your passport and other valuables in the safe at your hotel rather than carrying them with you. Carry a copy of your passport if you think you might need it. Always keep a copy on your phone too. If your passport is lost or stolen, it will be faster to get a replacement if you have a copy of it.

Be aware of local laws and rules, especially regarding culture and religion

Research local laws, rules, and etiquette before going to a new country. You should always show respect, especially at religious sites and government offices. If you are penalized for breaking a rule or law, say sorry, be accepting and don’t argue. Saying you didn’t know because you are a tourist isn’t an excuse. 

Put emergency phone numbers into your phone

Add the local emergency number to your Smartphone just in case you need it. Also, put in the tourist police number and your accommodation number. Carry your accommodation business card in case you get lost. 

Use apps for taxis

Taxi apps are safer because the company can see exactly where you are with GSP or interactive maps. In the case of any incident, the company will know which driver you were with. 

Dress appropriately

Always dress on the conservative side when traveling, especially when visiting religious and culturally-important sites and official government locations, including embassies, airports and immigration offices. 


Post on social media where you are going next

If you post where you are going tomorrow, you can become a target. Posting your epic travel pics is a fun part of traveling, but saving them for a few days later can be a wise idea. 

Wear expensive-looking jewelry and accessories 

If you are wearing designer clothing, luxury jewelry and fashion accessories, you may get unwanted attention, so it’s better to go minimalistic, especially when out on day tours and sightseeing. 

Women can wear a fake wedding ring.

Walk around at night in quiet areas

Stay safe by only walking in busy public areas that are well-lit at night. Avoid dark streets and quiet neighborhoods and get transportation back to your hotel rather than walk. 

Drink too much

When you are alone, don’t drink too much. If you make friends on the road, make a deal you will stay together if you are drinking. 

Carry large amounts of cash

Always carry only what you need and keep some money at your hotel in the safe. Use your bank card to withdraw cash as you need it.

It does take a little courage to travel solo for the first time. But once you try it, you will discover a wonderful new world. Locals will strike up conversations with a solo traveler when they might not with a family of four. Other travelers are also very welcoming, and you can find yourself with a collection of new friends from all over the globe by the end of your trip. 

Whether it’s your first trip traveling alone or you are used to wearing the solo traveler badge, always remember to stay safe. If in doubt, follow your instincts and remember the saying, better safe than sorry! An excellent motto for free-spirited solo travelers like you!